Local Mediation charity employee invited as ‘guest expert’ in Anti-Social Behaviour
Posted: 14th September 2011 at 01:07 PM
Stuart Sillett, Chief Executive and a long service employee of NFS Mediation has been invited to act as a guest expert by the Chartered Institute of Housing to discuss mediation within ASB matters for their new pilot online “Ask the Expert” forum.
Stuart said “I am very pleased and grateful for an organisation such as the Chartered Institute of Housing to provide me with this opportunity to discuss with housing professionals the huge and significant role effective mediation and housing partnerships can have in dealing with Anti-Social Behaviour in the future. Mediation is often not fully understood and should not be seen as a one fixed model but a whole toolkit in itself with a range of services that can be provided to housing tenants and the community. It is vital that we can get that message ‘out there’ and that mediation services and housing providers can begin a best value, high quality partnership such as we have with Southampton City Council.”
Many organisations regard Stuart Sillett as being one of the country’s leading authorities and innovator in modeling mediation and restorative services into ASB procedures. Stuart believes in breaking down the myths, preciousness and assumptions associated with mediation and make it accessible, pragmatic and successful for both the participants and housing organisations.
It will mean Stuart taking enquiries and questions for all members of the CIH on a wide variety of subjects relating to mediation within an ASB framework. It is hoped that the pilot online thread will prove successful so that all demonstrable best practice expertise can be shared amongst housing professionals.
“This is difficult time for both mediation services and the housing sector” added Stuart. “The public spending cuts are beginning to hurt and we all have to look at different ways of doing things whilst maintaining services to tenants and communities. Hopefully the CIH’s online thread will prove successful and will continue so that the awareness of what mediation can and should provide to the housing sector takes root.”
The Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) is the largest professional body for people involved in housing and communities. A registered charity and a not for profit organisation, they have a diverse and growing membership of over 22,000 people. Their members both in the public and private sectors – live and work in over 20 countries. Their aim is to maximize the contribution that housing professionals make to the wellbeing of communities.
Stuart started his career at NFS Mediation back in early 2000 as an Assessment Officer working on a contract with Southampton City Council. He had over 20 years restorative justice practitioner experience, gained through working with the Hampshire Probation Service and various statutory and voluntary bodies. In particular he has worked extensively in the fields of housing management; mental health; substance misuse and public protection. He has served regularly on multi-agency public protection agreement panels and worked with serious and potentially dangerous offenders.
For more information on NFS Mediation visit www.nfsmediation.org.uk or contact directly on 023 80331456. For more information on Chartered Institute of Housing visit www.cih.org or contact directly on 024 7685 1780.